
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Natural Disaster and the Decisions That Follow Essay

In the hurricanes wake, countrywide received more(prenominal) than 119,000 claimscollectively worth $850 million. Although dealing with those claims was difficult, even more difficult was Rommels later decision to cancel approximately 40,000 homeowners policies. comprehensive received a huge amount of mediaattention as a result, nearly all negative. In reflecting on the decision, Rommel said, Pulling out was a soundbusiness decision. Was it good enough for the individual customer? No, I cant say it was. unless the rationale wassound.Hurricanes arent the only weapons in natures arsenal, and the indemnification industry is hardly the onlyindustry affected by nature. Consider the airline industry.American Airlines has 80,000 employees, 4 of whommake decisions to cancel flights. One of them is Danny Burgin. When weather systems approach, Burgin needs toconsider a server of factors in deciding which flights to cancel and how to reroute affected passengers. He arguesthat of two maj or weather factors, winter snowstorms andsummer thunderstorms, snowstorms are easier to handle because they are more predictable. presumet tell tha t toJetBlue, however. On February 14, 2007, JetBlue wasunprepared for a snowstorm that dish the East Coast. Dueto the lack of planning, JetBlue held hundreds ofpassengers on its planes, at JFK, in some cases for aslong as 10 hours (with bathrooms closed). To the stranded travelers, JetBlues tepid offer of a refund was just as outrageous.

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